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Prep your Pup

Blog post 4:

Preparing your pooch for the big run is equally as important as training yourself. Just like us, our dogs need to prepare their endurance, flexibility and strength in order to avoid injury while exerting themselves. Following these simple steps could make the difference in a great experience and a painful trip to the Vet!

  1. Check with your Vet. Make sure going into the big day that no other health issues may impact your pup’s performance.

  2. Ask your Vet about your breed. Various types of dogs have varying amounts of physical prowess. By knowing your dogs breed you can more effectively train them. (E.g. Pugs have difficulty breathing in comparison to other breeds.

  3. Size up the pup! Just like us, dogs come in various shapes and sizes. Understanding that longer legged canines can run longer is important and the opposite is true for dogs of smaller stature.

  4. Start out slow and build up resistance. Don’t try to over exert your dog after a long winter of lounging around. Just like us our puppies need to slowly build up to that final goal of a healthy and speedy 5K. Try walking your dog for 5 -10 minutes a day and add 5 minutes each following week.

  5. Be wary of signs of fatigue within your dog. Our dogs over the top loyalty will lead them to follow you even if they are dangerously exhausted. Attempt to train in cooler temperatures. Additionally be wary of your dogs paws to ensure they are not too cracked, dry or damaged.

  6. Always be ready to provide your dog with water. Many owners forget to bring their dog a water dish while exercising leading to dehydration.

  7. Run/Walk: Don’t hesitate to let your pup take the lead. They will know at what times they are comfortable enough to run, or lazy enough to just walk. Let them make the decision.

  8. Warming up. Just like us dogs cannot go 100% from a full state of rest. Ensuring they have had a healthy warm up stretch is key to avoid injuries.

  9. Don’t forget a leash! Too many owners forget to provide leashes or identification for their puppies. One lost dog can ruin the entire groups day!

  10. Lastly, have fun! This event is meant to bring the Pullman Community together, provide a fun experience and raise awareness for a great organization!

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